Monday, December 28, 2009

I need YOUR vote!! I'm a FINALIST in the AGCO Christmas Photo Contest!!

Wow!  What a day!!  Never in my life have I ever won anything and now I'm a finalist in AGCO's Christmas Photo Contest.  Whatever happens, at least I'll be able to say, "It was an honor just to be nominated."

Somehow, Sue from AGCO happened upon my recent blog post about decking the farm for Christmas, and commented about how I still needed to submit my photos.  She even found me on Facebook and messaged me that way...that's good customer service!!  Thanks, Sue!

Turns out when I thought I uploaded my photos the other day, they didn't go through, but after the messages from Sue, I resubmitted and this time it worked.  It worked so well, that now I'm a FINALIST!!

So help me win this for my Mom & Dad by casting your VOTE!!

Go to on Facebook and "like" my's the one of my Dad on his 1958 Allis-Chalmers D17 in front of our barn.  Here's the picture you're looking for on the voting site:

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