Wednesday, June 23, 2010

4-H Camp

That's me!

As the 4-H Extension Educator for the Porter County (Indiana) 4-H Program, one of my favorite times of year is 4-H Camp! Our county camps with neighboring LaPorte County (my childhood home), and we always have a great time at 4-H Camp.

This year we had 99 youth participate in the LaPorte-Porter 4-H Camp. Twenty-two of those youth were our teen camp counselors who spend 12-14 hours of pre-camp training and prep work to facilitate and direct the camp activities. Our counselors do an amazing job, thus making camp easier every year for my LaPorte County colleagues and me! Through the camp counselor experience, these young people get a chance to develop their skills in leadership, teamwork, communication, and many more!

We camp at Camp Alexander Mack in Milford, Indiana on Lake Waubee. Being located right on the lake provides opportunities for swimming, boating, and sometimes a little fishing.

Following are just a few of the many pictures taken at the 2010 4-H Camp:
The AWESOME Counselors!

A camper team relay.

LaPorte County Extension Educator Hugh and I decided to give canoeing a try. We were made a bit nervous by the lifeguard who repeatedly told us to hit our knees to lower our centers of gravity if we started to tip. Why did he keep saying that? Didn’t he trust us? Rest assured, we did a fine job and made it back to shore upright!

Members of the famous Morgan Township Jug Band ( visited camp to teach the 4-H campers about the history of bluegrass music!

Leading camp songs is an integral part of the counselor experience.

Hugh provided some fishing mentoring to one of our favorite campers.

A self-portrait of our most smiley counselor and me!  I see one of our rookies trying to get into the background.

Learn more about 4-H in Porter County by visiting Purdue Extension - Porter County on-line at


  1. Ah, fond memories of my 4-H camp couselor days! Amazing post & picts...where DID you get the idea for this wonderful entry into your Blog?

  2. Well Sue, I have my own social media advisor who gives me such tips! ;)

  3. Believe it or not, I have never been to 4-H camp, but my oldest daughter who is in her second year of mini 4-H has informed me she will be going to our county's camp when she is old enough.

    Thanks for sharing all the great experiences you have with 4-H. Thanks for being an extension educator.

  4. Thanks for sharing, Heather! I can't believe you never went to 4-H Camp, I would've guessed you did. I never went either when i was a kid, I was too bashful! Now it's one of my favorite things. :)
